We strive to be a welcoming and growing spiritual community of religious liberals advancing acceptance, pursuing reason, nurturing love, furthering justice, and promoting peace.
Upcoming Service
SUNDAY 1/19/25
Service @ 11 AM
​"Science Fiction and Moral Imagination"
Service Presenter: Rev. Martina Thompson
I’ve long been fascinated with the concept of science fiction as moral imagination. Great science fiction envisions possible futures, and inspires societal change. From Spielberg’s nostalgic sense of childhood wonder to Roddenberry’s vision of human progress, of a future without hunger, disease, or money, science fiction puts out into the world visions of possible futures, hooking us into trying to figure out how we get from here to there. Join us as we explore science fiction’s power to shape our world.
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Meeting ID: 985 2270 1337
Password: 326380
For callers, please e-mail joys/concerns/announcements to news@mvuuc.org by early Sunday.
Open Circle Discussion Group
Sundays @ 10 AM
Virtual Life After Death
With the rise of readily accessible media during our lifetimes, more people have chosen to memorialize their existence through pictures, movies, videotapes and recordings, often with the intention of leaving something behind for their loved ones when they die. Now, another option is increasingly available--leaving behind the remnants of our digital lives. With the recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI), our scattered digital remains can now be collected to train an interactive model of ourselves, all with voice and image support. Some call this "virtual life after death" and the family members who have interactive access to the model created find it alternating comforting and disturbing. What do you think of bringing a digital scrapbook of one's life into existence (some say a robust Facebook presence already does so) in a format that allows deeper interactions like conversations to take place with those who survive you?